The Willow Creek Valley Economic Development Group (WCVEDG) is dedicated to encouraging and supporting the retention and expansion of existing businesses in South Morrow County.

The Willow Creek Valley Economic Development Group is a volunteer organization. 
They meet in the Heppner City Hall Conference Room on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 8:00 am. Visitors are welcome to join the meetings.
To work with local businesses in the areas of retention and expansion by providing incentives that encourage and support business growth and job creation and retention.
Our mission is to attract new businesses that provide new employment opportunities for the area while increasing the local tax base to improve the quality of life for area residents.
We work to support public infrastructure improvement projects that encourage, support, and sustain future growth for the community.
We recognize workforce housing as a tool for Economic Development  through improved housing opportunities and direct  housing development

Contact Us
PO Box 14
Heppner Oregon 97836
[email protected]

WCVEDG Grant for Demolition, Abatement and Utility Extension

WCVEDG Housing Rehabilitation Grant Project
WCVEDG Housing Rehab Program Application Packet