Login Details

Add Primary Company Representative: (uncheck if you want to skip the main representative information section.)

Primary Representative Details (You may add more later.)

Same as Company Address

Company/Individual Address

Enter the person's first name, that's registering here today!
Enter the person's last name, that's registering here today!
SPAM PROTECTION: Just type in the numbers after selecting your country code: 8774545563
Enter the Physical Address to the business/individual!
Enter the Suite, Apartment or Building Number here!
Enter the Physical Address City/Town to the business/individual!
Enter the Physical Address State to the business/individual!
Enter the Physical Address Zip/Postal to the business/individual!
Enter the country code i.e. US to the business/individual!
Avatar/Company Logo
Website Url
Add the COMPLETE URL to your Member's website url
only if you know them i.e. https://www.jagdeno.com
Social Links
Other url may be a video url or site link.
Add the COMPLETE URL to your Member's social media
only if you know them i.e. https://www.facebook.com/jagjourneyllc


Total Membership Today

Market 87 Vendor

Yearly Price: $100.00

Setup Fee (If Applicable): $0.00

Directory Enhancement Fee (If Applicable): (+) $0.00

Total Above Fees: $100.00

Coupon Applied (If Applicable): (-) $0.00

Total: $100.00


Payment Method

NOTE: On your renewal date, you will be automatically renewed unless you login into your profile settings and turn off auto-renewal or contact us and tell us to stop auto-renewal. [Check payments excluded]

For all correspondence, please contact us at:

Heppner Chamber of Commerce
P.O.Box 1232
Heppner, OR 97836
[email protected]